Language Arts
Language Arts
Aim: Confident and Proficient Use of the English Language
We developed a Language Arts programme taking into account the characteristics of children in the Punggol neighbourhood, who typically come from young families and are generally articulate and well-exposed. The areas of language learning for our Language Arts programme are:
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Visual representing
Adaptations are made to the widely used Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading (STELLAR) approach so as to enhance the learning of students. A whole language approach is adopted and students learn to use language in fun and meaningful ways while acquiring the critical skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading is promoted and the use of grammatical and well-structured English is emphasised.
We promote an added component in the acquisition of language arts – visually representing – which is an important mass communication skill. This is part of our aims to prepare students for work and life in future. We harness multimedia technology for the teaching and learning of visual representing.
As part of a total school curriculum, Language Arts is supported by the Orators Programme and Morning Pre-assembly sharing so that students learn beyond the classroom and prescribed books. As part of the Language Arts programme, Literature will be offered from Primary 3, so that through the subject, our students will have a window to peer out from themselves into the world of others and a mirror to hold out and learn about themselves.